News & Discovery

Vietnam Birdrace Detailed program


* Day 1: 10/5/2024

+ Arrive at Tram Chim national park, free-time exploring the park

+ 18:00 Opening session at Wildbird hotel

+ 19:00 Welcome dinner (buffet) at Senta restaurant (Wildbird hotel)

* Day 2: 11/5/2024

- Morning

+ 5:00-5:50: breakfast (buffet at Senta restaurant for participants who stay at Wildbird hotel or invited guests).

+ 6:00: The birdrace flag-off on boat (pre-prepared and sponsored by organizers), the route as map below. Boat tours end around 11:00, lunch break thereafter.

- Afternoon and evening

Free and easy. Each team will undertake their own routes in park to find bird species. Teams may move about by walking, boat or vehicle., by boat or vehicle. Suggested walking routes shown on the map.

* Day 3: 12/5/2024

- Morning

+ 00:00-5:50: Breakfast

+ 6:00-8:30: Free and easy. Teams will race on their own. 

+ 8:30 – 9:00: Submit results: All results must be submitted by not later than 9:00. 

Presenting your final list of bird species photographed:

- List of photographed species (bird’s name can be Vietnamese, English or Latin however names must be used consistently).

- Maximum 4 images for 1 species, file jpg named by species nameif more than 1 image for that species, name with number <species>1/2/3 or 4.jpg.

- Photocontest: Including 3 categories: action, threatened species (NT/VU/EN theo IUCN 2024) and migratory species. Each person is eligible to submit only one image for each category. Name of submitted file will be the photographer's name.

11:00-12:00 Prize-giving and closing ceremony.

Birdrace routes (red is walking, blue is by boat)

Walking route 1: from Wildbird hotel heading north-west, ending at Phu Duc guard station ca. 3km.

Waking route 2: from Wildbird hotel heading west to C4 guard station ca. 4km.

